BREAKING NEWS: We have launched our new Electro Plating Company. Read more>>

Bronzing Brilliance offers high quality coating of non-conductive items, (non-metallic), such as leather, wood, plastic, fabric, and many more non-metallic surfaces. Our finishes include copper, bronze, and nickel with a bright or antique luster. Our name is synonymous with high quality products and finishes.

Bronzing Brilliance also offers a resin casting and plating service with the current focus on, but not limited to, trophies for achievements in many fields including sport, academic prowess, and business. We have a standard range, but we also offer a moulding service where your original can be reproduced, cast, and plated in the finish of your choice.

Our unique process and highly skilled and experienced staff open up a wide range of possibilities when it comes to plating unusual items which may be of sentimental value or need to be displayed with pride and honour in your home, office, school, sports club, factory, and many more locations.

Besides the obvious benefit of enhanced appearance our plating process also offers the additional benefits of protection against rust as well as enhanced strength. Many fragile items can easily be handled and cleaned once plated, without the risk of damage.

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